Women carry the nation. Women carry out at least two and a half times more unpaid household and care work than men. Globally, girls aged between five and 14 years old spend 40 per cent more time (or 160 million more hours per day) on unpaid household chores and collecting water and firewood compared to boys. Unpaid care and domestic work is valued to be 10 and 39 per cent of the Gross Domestic Product. When I was researching my quilt, I stumbled across this block and thought it would be fitting to put a block in about how women carry the nation through their unpaid work.
This was quite a simple block to construct (just a little fiddly). Each of the small squares measures 2.5cm when completed so they need to be cut at 3.5cm, very fiddly! First sew the squares within the square together and then sew the big squares together.