I am hopeful that one day, one day there will be a female president of the USA. We came close in 2016 and I still cannot understand how they had the most experienced candidate in history loose to the least experienced. I know there were concerns about Hillary but it is flabbergasting that she lost to Donald Trump aka the pussy grabber.
We need strong women in positions of power to show girls and boys that women can successfully hold onto power and to show adults that we won't start a nuclear war just because we are on our periods! How is that still an argument? We manage to negotiate a world on a daily basis where we are often deemed as second class citizens, where we are afraid to walk home at night alone, where we are on edge walking down a street with a group of men coming to opposite direction as we don't know what they will do/say, where we still have a gender pay gap, where our heart attacks get misdiagnosed just because they don't look like male's heart attacks and where we do at least two and a half times more unpaid care work whilst juggling jobs. And still the argument is pulled out that a period will tip us over the edge and we will start nuclear war.
Michelle Obama, I had so hoped that she would run for president however reading her autobiography I understand her reasons why she won't - mainly she doesn't want to! If you want to read a book by a strong leader her book is the one for you.
Shall we sew? I am slightly disappointed at the small blocks as they are not perfectly aligned, but as my father would say, it looks 'homemade'.
This is quite a fiddly block as each of the little squares are only 2.5x2.5cm wide. Sew the small squares together first and then sew the strips together to make the two other blocks. Sew the triangles together and then assemble.